Community Feedback & NCI Support

A colorful group wearing sweaters in a huddle with hands stacked on top of each other. In big white letters “Community Feedback” with NCI bubble logo at the bottom.

In our quest to continuously advance accessibility across all platforms, we want to highlight a few small actions you can take to help strengthen these efforts! From sharing our content to talking to local businesses, there’s something out there for everyone.

Community Feedback

Captions On: One of the best ways to demonstrate the need for accessibility in your community is by holding groups and businesses accountable to inclusion. When you are at a restaurant, bar or gym and there are no captions on the TVs? Ask them to be turned on. Download a new app only to realize that it’s all audio with no captioning options? Demand accessibility.

Push for Audio Description: As a nonprofit with “Captioning” in our name, it’s easy to forget that we offer a variety of services. We are well-known for our Descriptive Audio services to support those who are blind or have low vision. Encouragingly, companies providing Audio Description to viewers has skyrocketed lately as the pressure from the public grows. A direct result of your community voice! There is always room for expansion, so get comfortable writing to cable companies, legislators, and online platforms that audio accessibility is for EVERYONE.

Share How Captioning Has Impacted You: Want to know a direct way to a captioning organization’s heart? Feedback. The fact that we are serving a community never leaves our primary focus, but it can also be isolating behind a computer. We love constructive feedback, suggestions, and captioner compliments. And we especially love hearing how captioning has impacted your daily lives. It reminds us that our work is impactful and motivates us to keep pushing our limits.

NCI Support

Have extra time or dollars? Here are additional ways to support our accessibility goals!

Share: A quick, actionable step to show NCI support is by sharing our website, blogs, and subscribing to our social media accounts. It’s free, takes seconds, and has a quantitative impact on our visibility and brand awareness. Plus, it makes us feel loved!

Colorful Friends of NCI logo.

AmazonSmile: We are registered as one of the non-profit/charity organizations at AmazonSmile. If you choose to support the National Captioning Institute, a portion of your purchases will be donated by AmazonSmile to us!

Friends of NCI: NCI is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization and any contributions are tax-deductible. For over four decades, Friends of NCI has helped make possible the full range of NCI’s activities. And now, with our dynamic and expanding array of education and outreach activities on the internet, in the classroom and in communities across the country, your support profoundly impacts the lives of millions of Americans as never before. You can donate here. Bonus Tip? Many companies match nonprofit donations! Ask your employer if they offer this.

Lorri Hatfield