Becoming Helen Keller

This week, as part of the PBS American Masters series, a new episode focusing on the life and work of Helen Keller debuted. National Captioning Institute was given the honor of creating the Audio Description for this program, “Becoming Helen Keller”!

Many are familiar with Helen Keller through her story told in the movie and play adaptations of “The Miracle Worker” which centers primarily on her relationship with teacher Annie Sullivan who, not daunted by Helen’s deafness and blindness, taught her to communicate with the world around her.

What we also hope people are equally as familiar with is the Helen Keller that went on to be a major advocate for disability rights, prolific author, political activist, as well as being the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor’s of Arts degree.

We’d go into more, but we definitely want you to check out this gorgeous program on her life that we helped make accessible. You can watch it on the American Masters website below. Please let us know what you think!

Lorri Hatfield